Saturday, February 16, 2019

Essay --

Cancer can develop anywhere in the body. Cells parent abnorm al 1y and become cancerous because of environmental factors, such as gage cigarettes and exposure to radiation familials, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and even bonny luck (Stern et al., 2004). Even though genetics play the primary office staff in the development of cancer, the environment in which one lives standardizedly contributes to the chances of acquiring cancer. Some of the environmental factors that influence the development of cancer include intoxicant use, obesity, asbestos, HIV, and Downs syndrome. Cancer affects people of all ages. In infants and children, genetic abnormalities are generally the primary cause of cancer. Individuals over the age of 55 years old make up more than 80% of all cancers (Stern et al., 2004). 2.3 MYTHS ABOUT CANCERAccording to Aronson (2010), cancer is a humiliating and threatening malady as its treatments ofttimes deny people of the organs that suffer them their gend er-identity, their sense of wholeness, and beauty. After treatment, patients also often feel less than whole. For them, cancer is not just a physical disease but kinda a state of mind and a reason for societal insulate and judgment. It is not discussed freely or accepted objectively. Cancer is seen as a taint upon the family, just as HIV is viewed as a disease that needs to be hidden away. There are many misconceptions across all ethnic and racial groups regarding cancer. Many believe that since no one in their family previously had cancer, indeed they would not get cancer. People also have a false impression that if they are healthy then they would not develop cancer (McGarvey & Brenin, 2005). According to Frymark, there are one-third chief myths about cancer1.Although chemothera... ...e. Among the members of the Solanaceae family, Solanumaculeastrumwas the most common gear up used for the treatment of cancer (Koduru, Grierson & Afolayan, 2007).Scientists these days are also investigating traditional medicine for anti-cancerous effects. A popular ayurvedic herbaceous plant Ashwagandha, frequently know as Indian Winter cherry or Indian nin-sin is used in ayurvedic medicine in a way similar to that Panax ginseng used in traditional Chinese medicine. This herb is normally used for its wide range of health advantages. Withaferin A, which derived from this medicinal plant, it often used for its anti-tumorigenic activity against various cancer cells. Withaniasomnifera flowers are small and verdure and the roots are mostly used for medicinal purposes. It is cultivated in the drier regions of India such as Punjab and Rajasthan (Singh, Verma, Pandey & Gilca, 2011).

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